Matthew Laker - June 16, 2019
What does it mean to be a man?
Scripture References: Acts 13:36, Colossians 3:5-17
From Series: "Stand alone"
These are stand alone messages. Often not connected to any one series.
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CloseAs individuals, we wrestle with identity and purpose. The concept of what it means to be a man in being challenged and changing. For many, their idea of what it means to be a man comes more from culture then Jesus. So just how does a follower of Jesus answer the question of what does it mean to be a man? In this stand along message, Pastor Matthew takes a look at that question. What does it mean to be a man?
Scripture References: Acts 13:36, Colossians 3:5-17
Related Topics: Identity | More Messages from Matthew Laker | Download Audio
These are stand alone messages. Often not connected to any one series.
Matthew Laker
1 Corinthians 4:7-16
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